Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fun with Fertility Friend

So this month I started taking my temps and charting. I have actually been doing quite will. I was originally going to keep track on excel but switched to fertility friend since it seemed so much easier to use. I take my temp when the alarm goes off in the morning and since I never get up when the alarm goes off I listen to NPR while the thermometer does its job and then write it down on the paper on the night stand. I was originally using the memory on the thermometer but it always reads 97.7. The first day I remembered my temp to be 97.41 but then when I went back to check it said 97.7. I thought I just was asleep and read it wrong. When it happened again on day 2 I realized it was the thermometer and not human error. It feels good to be actually doing something productive towards having a baby. Perhaps it will limit my baby gear obsession. I doubt it but it would be nice.

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