Friday, January 8, 2010

Rough Start

Ok so I know it's not news to anyone but this week SSG went back to work as the fabulous science teacher she is and I am playing the part of stay at home mom...for now due to losing my job in 2009 and well paying for daycare on just one salary would be near impossible. We had a nice weekend though clearly SSG and I were feeling anxious about what would be a drastic change in routine. She was sad about leaving us during the day and I was nervous about not having the calming presence that is my amazing wife. I recently was in the nursery with a screaming Little E and she wouldn't stop so knowing the monitor was on I desperately called out "Sam! Help!" She often rescues me.

Now just to quickly back up Little E has been sleeping through the night for a while now. Not sure how long but it feels like a month or two but then again I have no concept of time since I stopped working. Sunday night rolled around and E was miserable going down and continued to be miserable through the entire night. Bad start. I must note that SSG did a great job on Monday morning and was really strong. I know it was hard to leave but I think it's getting easier as the week goes on. So SSG dragged herself to work and I dragged myself through the day at home. Monday night was an even bigger disaster. Again E was miserable and screamed bloody murder from about 10:45 to 12:15. We could not figure out what was wrong and it was awful. SSG was practically in tears and almost called the doctor and I was practically curled up in the fetal position on the bed, rocking back and forth begging for the crying to stop. It wasn't pretty. Then SSG remember the gas drops. We gave her a dose, she let out a little burp, and gave SSG a huge smile. Seriously? Yesterday was extra special due to the fact Darwin seems to have a stomach bug which is resulting in horrible diarrhea. Yeah. Gross. He had an accident in the house because SSG was by herself and couldn't get to him fast enough. I was outside at 3:00 this morning letting the poor dog relieve himself. Awesome. Can you give dogs

In a nutshell E has slept horrible all week, waking up often, and sure as hell not sleeping through the night anymore. We have her 6 month appointment today and surely will talk about introducing rice cereal. We think she is waking up hungry and just needing more food. We hope this is the solution because we are all exhausted. I foresee lots of naps this weekend and possibly a baby covered in rice cereal.

I now leave you with E looking at her musical glow worm that her Mimi gave her for Christmas. She loves this thing and is mesmerized by it.


Snickollet said...

Ugh, sorry things are so rocky. I hope little E's sleep evens out soon. Life is hard enough when you aren't getting any sleep!

nutella said...

oof, unconsolable baby and not sleeping is no fun for anyone. Hope there's nothig wrong, maybe she's working on teeth? Or a growth spurt? Anyway, hope you all get better sleep starting tonight.

Bob and Elysha said...

OMG, I can't believe I didn't think to tell Sam this today when she was telling me about Darwin...

This week, my vet told me that if Ally's diarrhea was really bad I could give her one 2mg immodium. He said that it's fine for dogs to have but that it shouldn't be given past one or two days.

TW & M in CA said...

you can give dogs pepto too. for a dog darwin's size you would only give about half of one of those flat tablet things and no more than two a day. Also, if you boil up white rice and feed only chicken broth and white rice for a day or two, it usually helps bind things up a bit. after that, you gradually reintroduce regular food, mixing it with the rice a little more each day until you are sure there won't be a relapse.

thanks for stopping in at Murray's blog. He was a good boy, for sure.