The big news of the week is that Little E has moved into her own room. We decided to move her prior to the official end of RSV season (May 1st) so that we could sleep train her and transition her to her crib while I didn't have to go into work. It has gone so well! The first night she was up about 6 times but she was able to be soothed back to sleep without having to pick her up or bring her back to our room. The next nights she has either slept throughout he night or has woken up once or twice and put herself back to sleep. While I miss having my bumble bee right next to me in bed I know all of us are sleeping better. E is even napping better and has been in a super mood all week. Because of this we have been able to follow through on all the exciting things we had planned.
Saturday we left the house early for NH to pick up Mimi (Shazam's mom) and continue on to Great Mimi (Big E) and Great Buba's house. We had not been since my last vacation and it was great to see them enjoying Little E and all her cuteness. She played on the floor, smiled, and showed them all her new tricks. She was happy and sociable the whole time. We returned to Shazam's parents in the afternoon and stayed through dinner. E was able to sleep during all our drives so she was very well rested.
We had planned on going for a visit to the NICU on Monday but since the Boston Marathon was being run straight through our route to the hospital we decided to go on Sunday. It was a great visit. Our primary nurse Traci was there and it is always great to see her. I swear E totally recognizes her voice and went right to her and was all smiles. While some people find it really stressful to go back and visit the nicu I have the totally opposite reaction. I love going. I feel so connected to the place that made it possible to be a mom, which saved Little E's life, the place we became a family. It also helps remind me of how lucky we are to have our wonderful Little E strong and growing with us.
While we were waiting for Traci to come out to the waiting room Little E started making eyes at a group in the waiting room. They were surprised to hear that she was a NICU graduate. They were shocked to hear that E was a 30 weeker and only weighed 2 pounds 5 ounces at birth. The group was there to visit their 32 week grandchildren/nieces that were born that weekend. They all had that fresh to the NICU glaze on their faces. It felt good to be able to see some relief on their faces to see that those tiny (3 and 4 pound babies) that they were peering at in plastic boxes would hopefully grow and become chubby healthy babies like Little E. When E was in the hospital I can't tell you how many times I looked at the before and after photo collages hanging on the walls of the nicu. It gave me hope on even the darkest days that those babies made it and so would E. I hope seeing Little E helped that family like the photo collages helped me.
Monday we took a walk to our favorite coffee shop and grabbed lunch and iced lattes. Little E loved watching the people come in and out and I think she smiled and flirted with every person who passed her by.
Wednesday I got my hair cut and colored. I have not colored my hair since my wedding and have only gotten 2 haircuts since E was born. It was so nice to be pampered and I do say I look pretty cute too.
Today we took Little E to her playgroup. She had one moment where she was a little unsure of being there and stuck her bottom lip out momentarily but she settled in quite well and played with the toys and had a good time. She loved the music part as usual and was very vocal. It was so great to put faces to the names that Shazam talks about every week.
After playgroup we went for a quick bite to eat and E did wonderfully. She is really liking sitting in a high chair and checking out everything around her. It doesn't hurt to supply her with puffs either.
Tomorrow Grammie is coming to watch Little E and Shazam and I are going to get pedicures. I am so excited about this as my feet need some pampering. With my new hair and my new toes I will be all set for summer. Later in in the day Little E has her 9 month doctors appointment. I can not wait to see how much the little porker weighs. Saturday we are going to the sheep sheering festival that is happening in town. Sunday wraps up my vacation with a birthday party for a friend's child.
I am sad to see my vacation ending but I am looking forward to getting back to work. Only 35 more school days until summer vacation begins. The sooner I get back the sooner it will be Little E, Shazam, and Super Sammy G back together for the whole summer! Since we totally missed last summer while Little E was in the hospital I am so looking forward to 4th of July celebrations, P-town, and the Lake!
Hey guys - I'll be at the sheepshearing, also! Want to meet up?
She looks so cute in every picture!
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