Monday, February 8, 2010

I Swear I'm Still Here!

Yup. It's Shazam. I'm still here! I've been silent but I'm here...buried in diapers, laundry, baby drool, and grad school essays. Little E is napping so I though I'd give a shout out and give some updates on what is going on in our household.

Last week was Germ Fest 2010 here and just to make it interesting it was all different kinds of germs. SSG and I often brag that we don't get sick and boy did that bite us in the ass. E was still fighting her cold at the beginning of last week which was pleasant. On Tuesday SSG came home from work feeling horrible and had a fever. She basically spent the afternoon in bed and then took Wednesday off. It was great to have her home but so she wouldn't spread germs she was completely hands-off so it was a bit of a tease to have her there. On Tuesday and Wednesday night I slept on the couch with E in her pack and play next to me. Those were two looong nights. SSG got better from the fever but then developed a sore throat and a runny nose. I think she's feeling much better though. Friday night I went to bed and at 12:30am I woke up with a horrible stomach ache. I knew I was going to barf and knowing that gave me an anxiety attack. So there I was stumbling down the hall trying to get to the bathroom. I almost took a complete header. I made it to outside the bathroom...barely but couldn't move any more. My lovely wife actually had time to get me a bowl, tie my hair back and get me a damp washcloth before all hell broke loose. I'll spare the details but it was horrible. I'm surprised I didn't pull something I barfed so hard. I then of course spend the rest of the night on the couch and Saturday too. I was hurting and actually think I got a bit of food poisoning but who knows. All I know is I wasn't hungry all weekend and lost a couple of pounds which makes sense considering I basically ate 6 saltines and half a banana. I'm feeling better but I'm still not ready to dig in to a big meal. It's really not appealing.

The other thing going on as our readers know is I've been working hard on getting in grad school applications. I have 2 out of 3 in and trying to finish up the third this week. I did get notice this weekend that I got in to Simm.ons College in Boston. It's a great small college where SSG actually got her undergraduate degree. I'm anxiously awaiting on a Bos.ton College reply which is ironic on multiple levels. Long story short I didn't originally want to consider BC because I already did the private Catholic school thing for undergrad and didn't want to go there again. I wanted something different. That was until I realized how close it is (like 15 minutes), how good the program is, and how much I liked it when I went to an info session. I find it rather comical that the non-catholic lesbian has a chance of once again going to a catholic school. Seriously funny. I did some research and they do have a couple GLTB groups at BC so I am somewhat comforted there is some diversity and I won't be surrounded by "god squaders". Thanks but no thanks.

I guess the only other thing with me is I've still been consistently going to my personal training gym 3 days a week and I still love it. I've lost 13.2 pounds but that is a little skewed because of my non-eating this weekend. Realistically it's around 10. I'm feeling better for sure and think I look a little better. It's nice to have my clothes fitting better. The important thing is I'm healthier for my family.

That's it from here! E is doing great and honestly you would never know she was a preemie as she approaches 7 months old this week. She's working on sitting up but very wobbly and needs someone there to help.


Snickollet said...

Little E = so cute!

Sorry about being sick. I, too, would have an anxiety attack about barfing. I'm the world's worst barfer. Continue to feel better.

Hua said...

It sucks to be sick but, it's awesome that you're almost done with applications. Good luck!