Monday, September 22, 2008

Multi tasking, oh my!

So I did it. I am waiting for the cable guy to show up (he has 29 min. to show up before I get pissy by the way) and what does one do when waiting for the cable guy?... buy sperm of course. As noted by my wife on a earlier post we decied on a donor last week and so now it came time to buy the little swimmers. So being the wimp that I am I used the chat feature at the sperm bank. I was just a wee bit freaked out about calling don't know why but there it is. So while I was online with the sperm lady I was also on the phone with Shazam. This actually was good since we ended up buying 3 units not our plan of 1. The donor only has five units (now 2) left and is going to retire soon. Sue and I could chat about what to do at the same time as I was talking to the sperm lady. Would I have liked to have bought all 5? Yes but it just isn't in the cards or in our budget. If I get pregnant right away perhaps we will purchase the remaining units if they are still available to use for future babies. Who knows. All I know is that tomorrow our spermsicles will be en route to MA. We now own the one item that we have been lacking in the baby making department. This means we really can make a baby. Now we wait for an egg to emerge so we can have those two crazy haploid cells meet! I hope they like each other.

ps the cable guy came told me he couldn't do what I needed him to do and left. At least I can't say waiting for the cable guy was a waste of my time though.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your purchase and good luck with your first insem!

Snickollet said...


I go away for a few days and you guys go all crazy buying sperm and stuff.

I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to tell the twins that more babymaking steps have been taken.

Let me say it again: WOOOOOOOO!