Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In The Majority

Today is Little E's 69th day at home. This is an important number since she now has lived the majority of he life at home with us. She spent the first 68 days of her life in the NICU and until this point she had lived away from us more than she had lived with us. We have more memories of her home than in the hospital. It seems like forever ago we were in the hospital. It makes me realize how long we were really there. Ella of course is unfazed by this and is sleeping in her chair infront of me. We really have come a long way.

Speaking of coming a long way. Guess who slept through the night last night? Yup that would be Little E. She had her last bottle at 9:30 (5 oz and also nursed a little before that) and was down by 10:30. I woke up to daylight at 7 am and Little E was still asleep! So I got up and pumped and Little E snoozed until about 7:30. She was a happy little person in the pack and play when I came back and chilled out in bed with us and then took a bottle. It was so great! Unfortunately Shazam did not sleep through the night and is feeling tired today. Sorry Shazam but I feel great! Ella seems to be in a pretty good mood too. In fact she took a nap after that first bottle of the day and we had to wake her up for early intervention.

I hope this trend continues but I don't think we will be that lucky.


Snickollet said...

10:30-7:30! Wow! Go, little E!!!

Now if Shazam can just sleep through . . .

nutella said...

Someday there will be sleeping through the night for everyone. This is a great start!

Jessica White said...


E, I'm sure your mommies would greatly appreciate a repeat of the sleeping :-)

Kennedy said...

Congrats on your very important anniversary.